Welcome to Footsie's Muddle!
Archive of Past Puzzles and Winners
The rules for this puzzle are very simple:
- Identify the image below. It may be an historical event, an entertainment personality, a fairy tale, or something else. All feet are usually shown bare, without shoes.
- When you think you know the answer, fill in the form below and send it.
- To be fair, if you win once, you must sit out the next three puzzles.
The first correct answer, as determined by the date/time received, will be declared the winner and receive a personalized and autographed puzzle from Dr. Footsie himself!
Each contest will run until someone wins the puzzle. Good Luck!

- 1. The day after Christmas.
Notice: Since Dr. Footsie is unable to control the network at large, please understand that he can't be held accountable for problems sending or receiving email. This may affect the outcome of the contests.